The custom of consuming the placenta is centuries old, practiced most often in Chinese medicine. It is a tradition that has been gaining traction in the United States for several decades due to the incredible benefits it can offer.
Our Encapsulator has over 6 years experience and is ready to help you with any questions.
Please note: It will be at the direction of the hospital whether the placenta will be able to be released or not. Each hospital has different guidelines and regulations. The hospital may require a release form. Check with your hospital or birth center prior to your delivery date.
Order Placenta Capsules and Receive FREE Placenta Tincture Bottle

Placenta Capsules
Placenta Capsules can help replenish hormones and vital nutrients lost during birth, thus making for an easier postpartum recovery.
The encapsulation process includes rinsing and cleaning the placenta of any extra blood, clots, and debris. After the cord is trimmed, the placenta is heated to kill unhealthy bacteria before being dehydrated, ground, and encapsulated. Work space and all equipment is always thoroughly sanitized. OSHA standards are observed in Bloodborne Pathogens. Proper PPE and storage guidelines are followed. Only one placenta is worked on at a time.
This method usually produces around 100-175 capsules, depending on the size of your placenta. They last many years when stored in the freezer. Take them for PMS, low milk supply, fertility challenges, and even menopause! Should be taken with a glass of juice and a meal to help the powder settle and reconstitute in your stomach.

Placenta Tincture
Placenta Tincture is an added bonus in that it can be used in addition to and long after the capsules are gone. By tincturing a small piece of the placenta in a high grade alcohol, you can prolong the benefits of your placental hormones. The tincture can be used in any time of trauma, transition, emotional distress and during menopause and ease your symptoms. It is very shelf-stable if kept in a cool dark place such as a cupboard, and will last for many years. At this dilution, there is less alcohol than in cough medicine and has no intoxicating effects. If you prefer to reduce the alcohol even further, you can place the drops in a cup of boiling tea, “burning” off the alcohol, then cooling before ingesting. Dosage is 7 to 10 drops added to a full glass of juice.
Payment is Cash Only - Due at Time Placenta is Dropped Off
Placenta Encapsulation Capsules: $200
Placenta Pick-up & Delivery Fee: $30
We will come to your birth location to pick up your placenta for processing within 20 miles of Houston Medical Center.
We will travel to your home to drop off your finished products within 20 miles of Houston Medical Center.
Additional $15 travel expense if your hospital is outside 20 miles of the Medical Center.
Additional $15 travel expense if your home address, for the drop off of completed order, is 20 miles outside the Medical Center.
Umbilical Cord Keepsake (Heart shaped) = Add $10
Tincture = Add $50
Kosher Flavored Capsules (Strawberry or Grape, whichever is in stock) = Add $10