Infant / Baby Massage - Great Benefits!​
Baby massages have a variety of benefits:
Releases stress
Improves muscle tone
Reduces discomfort from colic, gas, and constipation
Improves body awareness
Improves sleeping
Reduces teething pains
Stimulates circulation
Bonding time with parents
The following processes are directly influenced by massage: breathing, digestion, sleep, immunity (less prone to infections), blood supply, and detoxification.
Regular massage can help with:
premature babies; cesarean babies; children with colic; children that always have colds or breathing difficulties; babies that do not seem to thrive; children that do not sleep properly; hyperactive children; and hypoactive children.
30 minutes = $50
60 minutes = $100 (includes instruction)
​Schedule this Massage when doing a Postpartum Massage

During the birth process, the baby's head molds to fit through the mother's pelvis. It is normal for the cranial bones to override each other. After birth, these overrides and other accommodations in the baby's skull should not persist. If they do not correct themselves, they can interfere with proper cranial nerve function leading to colic, breathing, swallowing, digestive or sensory-motor impairments and more. Sometimes babies are injured in the birth process. The injuries may be both physical and emotional.

Cranialsacral Therapy can address both the physical and emotional injuries, as well as the effects of lack of normal mobility in utero, precipitous or prolonged labor, vacuum extraction, forceps or cesarean birth.
Cranialsacral Therapy can help with:
Fussy, hard to soothe babies
Babies who seem uncomfortable in their bodies
Babies who have digestive or elimination difficulties
Spitting up
Breastfeeding problems
Difficult latching
Latch problems that contribute to sore nipples for moms
Babies who favor turning their heads to one side
Babies who favor one breast or position for nursing
Babies who seem overly sensitive
Babies who hate tummy time
Teething babies
Non-sleeping babies
Pediatric Myofascial Release
This is a safe and very effective hands-on technique that involves applying gentle sustained pressure into the Myofascial connective tissue restrictions to eliminate pain and restore motion.
​Pediatric Massage for 60 minutes = $100
​Schedule this Massage when you do Postpartum Massage​
"Patti does amazing work and is such a patient person. She never rushes a session and will work with baby for as long as it takes even when baby is fussy and needs to take things slow. After just a couple of sessions with Patti there was no more latch pain during breastfeeding, we saw dramatic improvements in our daughter's neck / jaw tension, and her cone head had disappeared! The best part is she even enjoys the session, and for the most part relaxes and sleeps through the treatments."
Jodi & Matt M.