A childbirth education class helps build
confidence in your body's ability to give birth.
Online/Video Childbirth Class
You will receive the in​formation necessary to have an easy labor. Rated BEST childbirth class by clients!
Topics include:​
Labor Process
What to Expect During Labor
Birth Plan – keep it simple
Relaxation & Breathing Techniques
Medical Interventions
Epidural / Pain Medications
Comfort Techniques
Hospital Procedures
Pushing – (learn to push baby out in 15 to 30 mins)
What happens to baby right after birth
Postpartum for Mom
What to take to the hospital
When to go to the hospital
How Partner/Dad assists
Online video class that can be taken when​ it is convenient for you. Total time is 1.5 hours (longer depending on your pace). You are able to stop, take notes, replay and print key information.
This cla​ss includes three video parts:
Video #1 includes: What to Expect During Labor, Labor Process, Medical Interventions, When to Go to the Hospital, Routine Hospital Procedures, Birth Plan.
(52 minutes)​​
Video #2 includes: Comfort Techniques, Relaxation Techniques, Breathing Techniques, Positioning, Pushing.
(27 minutes)
Video #3 includes: Dad/Partner Assists,
On-the-Spot Coach. (12 minutes)
Order this online video class today!
$125 per couple

Private Childbirth Class
(2-3 Hours)
One-on-one session
Customized to your needs - can be same topics used for the online class
At your convenience
In comfort of your home or by Zoom
$300 per couple

Ready to Schedule Your
Private Class or have Questions?
Please Complete the
Contact Form below for Patti.
​Private Class Refund Policy:
You Must Cancel or Reschedule Within 24 Hours of Class Start Time or No Refund